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Welcome to the Emerald Ash Borer Cost Calculator 3.0

Get the January 2017 article in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry that describes how this calculator shows why it is more economical to protect ash trees than to replace them. This version is driven by an EAB invasion wave model that assumes it takes 8 years from the time EAB is detected in your city until all the untreated ash can no longer be saved with a pesticide application. In this new version you can:
  • Stage your response to an EAB invasion based on the percentage of ash trees that have lost more than 30% of their canopy.
  • Evaluate management plans that reduce the frequency of ash treatment after the initial wave of EAB has passed through your forest.
  • Compare the annual and cumulative costs and the size of the remaining forest over a 25 year period for ANY management strategy that includes a mixture of tree removal, replacement, and insecticide treatment.
  • Generate and share electronic and printed reports of projected costs of up to 3 management strategies at a time.

To run the calculator you will need:
  • An inventory of the number and size of ash trees
  • An estimate of costs for removing and treating trees based on the size of each tree.
  • An estimate of costs for replacing each ash tree that is removed.

Find out how saving trees can be more cost effective by:
  • Using the DEMO forest (1600 ash trees) to compare the costs of replacing ash trees as they die, proactive ash removal, and saving larger trees (DBH > 12”).

How big of an ash forest will the EAB Cost Calculator handle?
It takes less than 5 seconds for the EAB Cost Calculator to compare management strategies for forests containing up to 3,000 ash trees. To keep comparisons manageable, we won’t let it run comparisons that take more than 2 minutes to compute (Approximately 16,500 ash trees). The relationship between forest size and run times are available here.
User Name:

The first time you use this calculator we will ask you to register by providing a username and password. With each user name you can enter tree inventory data, and the various management costs for up to 15 separate forests. There is no limit on the number of user names you can have.

Please review our tutorial for more information on how to use the calculator.

| Emerald Ash Borer Cost Calculator |
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